Club Constitution

Club Constitution


1.1 The name of the Club shall be DELGANY GOLF CLUB.  The name or title “Club” without qualification shall mean the Men’s Club, the Ladies Club, or the Joint Club, where the context so admits or requires.

1.2 The “Men’s Club” shall mean the group of male amateur golfers operating under a constitution acceptable to the Golfing Union of Ireland and to which such a Club is affiliated.

  1. The “Ladies Club” shall mean the group of female amateur golfers operating under a constitution acceptable to the Irish Ladies Golf Union and to which such a Club is affiliated.

1.4 The “Joint Club” shall mean the Club formed through the amalgamation of the two groups of amateur golfers deemed in clauses 1.2 and 1.3 above for the purpose of managing the Club including the provision and maintenance of the facilities owned or available for use by the members of the Club.  The Joint Club through its Trustees holds the property and assets of the Club in trust on behalf of Category A Members of the Club.

1.5 The name or title “Committee” and the officers and members thereof, without qualification, shall mean either, the Men’s Committee, the Ladies Committee or the Management Committee, or each of their officers and members where the context so admits or requires.

1.6 The official address of the Club is Delgany, County Wicklow.

1.7 The Club is constituted for the purpose of playing and promoting the amateur game of golf and for such social amenities between the members as are usual, incidental and desirable in a golf club.


  1. All the property of the Club shall continue to vest in the existing Trustees. Future Trustees shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting of the Club.  There shall be a minimum of three and up to a maximum of five Trustees. They shall hold office until they are removed, resign or cease to be members of the Club.  All vacancies occurring by removal, resignation or death shall be filled at the next Annual General Meeting of the Club, or in the case of removal of Trustee, at the meeting.  In the event of the number of Trustees being less than three, an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called for the purpose of filling any vacancies.  The removal of a Trustee must be by a resolution of two-thirds of the members present and entitled to vote at a General Meeting called for that purpose.

2.2 The Trustees shall have power to borrow money on behalf of the Club when authorised to do so by a resolution passed at a meeting of the Management Committee of the Joint Club.  The Trustees shall have the power with the sanction of a resolution passed by the Management Committee to perform all or any of the following acts on behalf of the Club, that is to say:-

  1. to invest money and to open bank accounts.
  2. to effect insurance in their own names.
  3. to purchase, sell, exchange, lease, let, hire, grant licences, mortgage, charge, pledge or otherwise dispose of and deal with any property of the Club. No land can be disposed of without the approval of the members at a General Meeting called for that purpose, at which 75% of the members present must vote in favour.
  4. Any deed, document or act signed, executed or done by the Trustees on behalf of the Club shall be binding on the Club if authorised or confirmed by resolution of the Management Committee.
  5. The Trustees shall be indemnified out of the Club property and assets in respect of all transactions carried out by them as directed by a resolution of the Management Committee and against all liabilities and expenses properly incurred as a result to their trusteeship.


The following shall constitute the membership of the Club:

3.1 Category A Members

(i) Ordinary Members– Men and ladies duly elected as members who shall pay such Entrance Fee, Annual Subscription and other payments as are applicable and who shall be entitled to vote at all General Meetings of their respective Clubs and of the Joint Club.

  1. Senior Ordinary Members-Ordinary Members (men and ladies) over 66 years of age on 1stJanuary in the year of application, who have been fully paid up members for not less than 20 consecutive years or other such period as the Management Committee may decide shall be entitled to be elected as Senior Ordinary Members of their respective Clubs and of the Joint Club. They shall pay such reduced Annual Subscription as the Management Committee may from time to time decide subject to the payment being not less than 50% of the current annual subscription for the Ordinary Members. Senior Ordinary Members over 80 years of age on 1st January in the year of application shall pay not less than one-third of the current Ordinary Member subscription. All Senior Ordinary Members shall rank in equal status in all respects with the Ordinary Members.

(iii) Life Members – Life Members are such members as were elected in accordance with the former rules of the Club. Life Members shall be entitled to vote and enjoy all the facilities of the Club and shall rank in equal status in all respects with Ordinary Members.

(iv) Honorary Life Members– Only existing members or persons who have rendered exceptional service to the Club or to the game of golf or whose distinguished or influential position of public service would render their membership of special advantage to the Club may be nominated for Honorary Life Membership and shall rank in equal status in all respects with other Ordinary Members.

3.2 Category B Members

  1. Lady Associate Members– Ladies duly elected in accordance with former rules of the Club as Lady Associate Members who shall pay such Annual Subscription as is applicable.  No new members will be elected to this category after the year 2001.
  2. Senior Lady Associate Members– Lady Associate Members over 66 years of age on the 1st of January in the year of application, who have been fully paid up Lady Associate Members for not less than 20 consecutive years or other such period as the Management Committee may decide shall be entitled to be elected as Senior Lady Associate Members. They shall pay such reduced Annual Subscription as the Management Committee may from time to time decide, subject to the payment of an Annual Subscription not less than 50% of the current annual subscription for Lady Associate Members. Senior Lady Associate Members over 80 years of age on 1st January in the year of application shall pay not less than one-third of the current Lady Associate Member subscription. All Senior Lady Associate Members shall rank in equal status in all respects with the Lady Associate Members.
  3. Category C Members
  4. 5 Day Members – Men and ladies over the age of eighteen years duly elected, who shall normally be entitled to use the course on weekdays Monday to Friday and the club facilities at all times.
  5. Senior 5 Day Members – Men and ladies over 66 years of age on 1stJanuary in the year of application, who have been fully paid up members for not less than 20 consecutive years or other such period as the Management Committee may decide shall be entitled to be elected as Senior 5 Day Members.  They shall pay such reduced annual subscription as the Committee may from time to time decide subject to the payment being not less than 50% of the current annual subscription for 5 Day Members. Senior 5 Day Members over 80 years of age on 1st January in the year of application shall pay not less than one-third of the current 5 Day Member subscription.  All Senior 5 Day Members shall rank in equal status in all respects with the 5 Day Members.
  6. Overseas/Country Members –(Men and Ladies) – Members in this Category must have their main place of residence more than 80 kilometres from the Club premises. Such members will not be entitled to compete in Club competitions, except at the discretion of the Management Committee.
  7. Clubhouse Members – A number of persons may be admitted at the discretion of the Management Committee to Clubhouse Membership with no playing rights or with limited playing rights at such Annual Subscription as is applicable. All past Captains and Lady Captains shall be automatically elected as Honorary Clubhouse Members.
  8. Junior Associates – Young persons aged over 9 and under 21years, on the payment of such Annual Subscription as is applicable may be elected as Junior Associates. They shall be allowed to play on the course and use the Club premises subject to the regulations of their rights and privileges as decided by the Management Committee from time to time and as set out in the Membership Rules.
  9. Intermediate Members – Persons aged over 21 and under 26 years, on the payment of such Annual Subscription as is applicable may be elected Intermediate Members, subject to regulation of their rights and privileges as decided by the Management Committee from time to time and as set out in the Membership Rules.  Intermediate Associates over the age of 26 on 1stJanuary in the year of application shall also pay an instalment of an Entrance fee as determined by the Management Committee.
  10. Senior Intermediate Members (A)– Persons aged over 26 and under 30 years, on the payment of such Annual Subscription as is applicable may be elected Senior Intermediate Members, subject to regulation of their rights and privileges as decided by the Management Committee from time to time and as set out in the Membership Rules.  Senior Intermediate Associates (A) over the age of 26 on 1st January in the year of application shall also pay an instalment of an Entrance fee as determined by the Management Committee.Senior Intermediate Members (B) – Persons aged over 30 and under 35 years, on the payment of such Annual Subscription as is applicable may be elected Senior Intermediate Members, subject to regulation of their rights and privileges as decided by the Management Committee from time to time and as set out in the Membership Rules.  Senior Intermediate Associates (B) over the age of 30 on 1st January in the year of application shall also pay an instalment of an Entrance fee as determined by the Management Committee
  11. Corporate/Term Members – A limited number of persons may be admitted to Corporate or Term Membership at the discretion of the Management Committee. Corporate and Term Membership shall be for a period of three years and the subscription level shall be based on the entrance fee and subscription at the time of joining.  The named Corporate/Term Member shall have the same rights as an Ordinary Member except for voting rights or winning the Captain’s, President’s, Lady Captain’s Prizes.  The Corporate nominee may be changed subject to the approval of the Management Committee


3.4        Artisans – The Management Committee shall have the power to grant licences to play over the course to a limited number of local residents who, in the opinion of the Management Committee, are suitable persons to be granted such facility. These licences shall be subject to such subscription fees, regulations and conditions as may be made by the Management Committee from time to time.


4.1 Ideally, applications for election to the above categories should be proposed by one and seconded by two Category A members of the Club, who shall have been a Category A or B Member for at least two years at the date of application and to whom such candidates must be personally known and acquainted for at least two years. Failing this, an applicant must meet with two Officers of the Club who will report to the Management Committee. A list of all applications shall be posted in the clubhouse for at least two weeks prior to any application being approved. In all instances admission of members in the foregoing categories shall be by election of the Management Committee.

4.2 In exceptional circumstances the Management Committee may set aside the procedures for electing members as outlined in 4.1 and elect members at their own discretion.

4.3 Applications for Junior Associate membership can be proposed and seconded by the Chairperson and at least two members of the Junior Committee. Any Junior Associates so elected must be renominated in accordance with Clause 4.1 of the Constitution when moving to a different class of membership.


5.1 All Members and Associates duly elected shall pay such entrance fees as the Management Committee may from time to time decide and such annual subscription as the members in General Meeting may from time to time decide.  The amount of annual subscription may only be altered by a General Meeting of the Club, but the Management Committee is empowered to vary the amount of the Entrance Fee, or to suspend it temporarily in general, or in a particular case, at any time, should they deem it desirable. Newly-elected members who fail to pay their subscription, entrance fee or other payments as are applicable within a time scale determined by the Management Committee, shall thereby render his or her election null and void.

  1. The Management Committee shall have power to grant leave of absence to a member for one year (or longer in exceptional circumstances) during which period such member shall be relieved of the responsibility of paying an annual subscription but shall not be entitled to exercise any privileges of membership of the Club.  Such members shall be responsible for any levies arising during their absence.

5.3 Annual subscriptions are due on the first day of January in each year.  Any member whose subscription or other payments as are applicable remains unpaid on the 31st January shall cease to be a member of the Club, but may in special circumstance be reinstated during the current year by the Management Committee, without entrance fee, but subject to such fine as may be imposed at the discretion of the Management Committee. The Management Committee shall have power to provide or arrange a scheme whereby the annual subscription or entrance fee may be payable in one or more instalments and any member availing of such a scheme shall be bound by such regulations relating to payment as may apply from time to time.  Each member must communicate his or her full address and contact details (including email) from time to time to the Administration Department and all notices sent to such address shall be considered delivered.


6.1 Any member may introduce a visitor to the Clubhouse, subject to Rule 6.10.

6.2 It shall be a condition precedent that a member effecting the introduction shall enter each visitor’s name, address and date of visit immediately on entering the clubhouse in a book to be kept for the purpose called a “Visitors’ Book” and such entry must be attested by the signature of the introducing member.

  1. No visitor shall be supplied with excisable liquor on the Club premises unless on the invitation of and in the company of the introducing member.

6.4 The Green Fee charge for visitors shall be fixed from time to time by the Management Committee who are also empowered to make regulations for non-playing visitors.

  1. On payment of a Green Fee, the name of the visitor, the date, the amount of the Green Fee and the name of the introducing member must be immediately entered in the “Green Fee or Competition Book”. A green fee voucher will be issued in the case of a non-competition green fee.
  2. In addition, the Professional or his representative, or senior administrative staff having made and attested the necessary entry in the “Visitors’ Book” and or” Green Fee Book”, may permit a person or group not having an introduction from a member, to play on the course and use the clubhouse as a visitor on the payment of the current Green Fee.

6.7 The payment of the Green Fee shall entitle the visitor to temporary membership of the club for the day.

6.8 The Management Committee shall have the power to suspend the rules permitting the introduction of visitors or temporary members at any time and refuse permission for any particular visitor or temporary member to use the course or clubhouse.

6.9 The Professional or his representative, the Bar Manager or Course Manager may (and without assigning any cause) cancel the admission of any day visitor or temporary member whose admission may be irregular or whose presence or conduct they may deem objectionable or who deliberately breaks any of the Rules, Bye-laws or Regulations of the Club, or the Rules of Golf as published by the Royal & Ancient of St. Andrews, Scotland, from time to time.

6.10 The fee paid by any such visitor or temporary member may, at the discretion of the

Management Committee, be either forfeited or returned.


7.1 In the event of a member, regardless of category, acting contrary to the rules or regulations of the Club and after remonstrance from the Management Committee continuing so to act inside or outside the Club as in the opinion of the Management Committee to injure or discredit the character of the Club or endanger its welfare and good order, it shall be in the power of the Management Committee to call a committee meeting, of which the member shall have notice and at which he/she shall be entitled to appear in person, accompanied by some other member, if he/she so wishes, to enquire into such conduct; and if no explanation of his \her conduct shall be given by the member, or if such explanation shall be considered unsatisfactory by the Management Committee, it shall be at its discretion that the name of such member be removed from the Club. He/she shall immediately cease to be a member.

7.2 If after making such enquiry into the member’s conduct and hearing such explanation (if any) as the member may offer, the Management Committee decide that the conduct of the member was not so grievous as to warrant the expulsion of the member, the Management Committee (the quorum of which for the purpose of this  part of this Rule shall be 12), may instead by a vote of three-fourths of those present, suspend the member for such period, not exceeding twelve months, as the Management Committee in their discretion may think fit.

7.3 If the member wishes to appeal against his/her removal or suspension he/she may appeal to the Trustees and present his/her case in writing followed by an oral hearing.  The Trustees decision by majority vote shall be final.  Pending the holding of such an appeal the suspension shall not take effect.


7.4 During the period of his/her suspension the member shall not be entitled to play over the course, shall not be entitled to enter the clubhouse, whether in the company of another member or otherwise and shall not be entitled to a refund of the whole or any part of his/her

annual subscription for the year during which his/her suspension occurs.


8.1 The business and affairs of the Joint Club shall be managed by a Management Committee consisting of the President, Men’s Captain, Men’s Vice-Captain, Lady Captain, Lady Vice Captain, a representative of the Trustees, the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Treasurer, and six ordinary members. The Management Committee shall elect a Chairperson. The Quorum for meetings of the Management Committee shall be nine persons.

8.2 Power of the Management Committee to co-opt

The Management Committee shall have power to fill vacancies in any of these Offices (including membership of the Management Committee) during the year.  The persons so appointed shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting. The Management Committee may exercise powers notwithstanding that there may be a vacancy or vacancies in its membership at the time.

8.3 Power of the Management Committee to appoint Permanent Staff and other Employees

The Management Committee shall have the power to appoint permanent staff and other employees upon such terms and conditions as such Management Committee may determine, to terminate such employment, and also to appoint substitutes from time to time

8.4 Bye- Laws, Regulations, Membership and Local Rules

The Management Committee is empowered to make and may alter, add to or amend from time to time such Bye-Laws, Regulations, Membership and Local Rules (provided they are not at variance with the Rules of Golf or the Constitution of the Club) as they may consider necessary for the proper management and control of the Club. Such Bye-Laws, Regulations, Membership and Local Rules shall be exhibited in the Clubhouse and all Members and Temporary Members shall be deemed to have notice thereof and be bound thereby.

8.5 Power of the Management Committee to appoint Sub-Committees

The Management Committee may appoint at any time such Sub-Committees, consisting of members of the Management Committee or other members of the Club as they deem necessary for any purpose. The Captains and/or the Honorary Secretary shall be ex-officio members of all Sub-Committees of the Joint Club.  Any Sub-Committee shall hold office at the discretion of the Management Committee during their term in office.

8.6 Bank Account

The bank account shall be kept in the name of the Club in such bank as the Management Committee may from time to time determine, and all payments shall be authorised as laid down by the Management Committee.

8.7 Income and Property

8.7.1 The income and property of the Club shall be applied solely towards the promotion of its main objects as set forth in clause 1.7 of this Constitution. No portion of the Club’s income or property shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise howsoever by way of profit, to the Members of the Club.  No Officer shall be appointed to any office of the Club paid by salary or fees, or receive remuneration or other benefit in money or money’s worth from the Club in respect of such office.  However, nothing shall prevent any payment in good faith by the Club of:

  1. reasonable and proper remuneration to any Member or Officer of the Club for any services rendered to the Club (other than as an Officer),
  2. reasonable and proper remuneration, to any company of which a Member or Officer of the Club is a director or shareholder, for any services rendered to the Club,
  3. interest at a rate not exceeding 5% per annum on money lent by Officers or other Members of the Club to the Club,
  4. reasonable and proper rent for premises demised and let by any Member of the Club (including any Officer) to the Club,
  5. reasonable and proper out-of-pocket expenses incurred by any Officer in connection with their attendance to any matter affecting the Club,
  6. fees, remuneration or other benefit in money or money’s worth to any company of which an Officer may be a member holding not more than one hundredth part of the issued share capital of such company.

8.7.2 Additions, Alterations or Amendments

No addition, alteration or amendments shall be made to or in the provisions of the Main Objects, Income and Property and Dissolution of this Constitution for the time being in force unless the same shall have been previously approved in writing by the Revenue Commissioners.

8.7.3 Keeping of Accounts

The Club shall produce annual audited accounts which shall be kept and made available to the Revenue Commissioners on request.


9.1 Elections, Officers and Committee of the Men’s Club

Ordinary (Category A) and 5 Day (Category C) male members may attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting or EGMs of the Men’s Club.  Five Day (Category C) male members may not stand or vote in the election of Officers (i.e. Captain, Vice-Captain, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer).  However, 5 Day (Category C) male members may vote and be elected as other Committee Members. A Senior Intermediate (A) (Category C) or Senior Intermediate (B) (Category C) male member may be elected as a Committee Member.

9.2 With a view to giving the Male Members the fullest possible information, the names of the Officers and Committee, out-going Members and those eligible for re-election shall be posted on the Notice Board seven days prior to the General Meeting.

9.3       (i) The Captain shall retire from Committee on completion of his year(s) of Office and shall not be eligible for re-election for one year.

  1. The Officers, other than the Captain and Vice-Captain, shall be elected for a period of three years and shall not be eligible for re-election for one year.
  2. Each new Committee Member shall be elected for a period of three years and shall not be eligible for re-election for one year.

9.4 In the event of an Officer or Committee Member resigning before his term of Office has been completed, the Committee shall have power to co-opt a Male Member to serve until the next Annual General Meeting at which time such Male Member shall have the right to go forward for election.  If elected, his term on Committee shall be effective from the time of his election.

9.5 The golf related business and affairs of the Men’s Club shall be managed by a Committee consisting of the Officers and six other Members of Committee elected under 9.1.

  1. Committee meetings shall be called by the Honorary Secretary.  Seven days’ notice of Committee meetings to be given to each member.
  2. Six Committee members shall form a quorum.
  3. The Chairman, who shall be Captain (if present), shall have a casting vote in addition to his ordinary vote.  In the absence of the Captain, the Chairman shall be the Vice Captain or in his absence a nominee of the Captain.
  4. The Committee shall have the power to make such general or particular regulations as may be necessary for the conduct of competitions.  Such general or particular regulations are intended to allow the Committee operational freedom in the running of competitions but shall not have the effect of amending any motion passed at AGM or EGM.  Such regulations shall be communicated on the club Notice Board to the Male Members.
  5. The Committee shall refer any question outside its power to the Management Committee for decision.
  6. Communications, including complaints, in connection with golfing matters, must be addressed in writing to the Honorary Secretary. Complaints must be notified within 24 hours of the occurrence of the incident. Infringements of the Rules of Golf must be notified immediately on entering the clubhouse, to any Committee or Competitions Sub Committee member, if the Honorary Secretary is not present.
  7. The Committee shall have power to form sub-Committees from its own body or from the general body of the Male Members.  Sub-Committees shall be responsible to the Committee.
  8. Accounts of the Men’s Club
  9. Proper accounts shall be kept by the Honorary Treasurer showing financial receipts and disbursements of the Club and shall be submitted to the Auditor annually before being presented at the Annual General Meeting.  Accounts shall close on the 30thSeptember in each year.
  10. All details will be made available for scrutiny by the Auditors and by the Honorary Treasurer of the Joint Club.

9.7 Meetings of the Men’s Club

  1. The Honorary Secretary of the Men’s Club shall record the Minutes of Meetings.
  2. Record books shall be kept for Minutes of Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings and shall be available to members on request.

9.8 Competitions and Handicap Sub-Committees

The Management of Men’s Golf competitions shall be by the Competitions and Handicap Sub-Committees, who shall consist of male playing Members. They shall:

(i) Accept and abide by the constitution of the Golfing Union of Ireland to which Delgany Golf Club is affiliated.

(ii) Accept and Apply the Standard Scratch Score and Handicapping Scheme as prescribed by the Council of the National Golf Unions and such rules thereunder as may be required to be implemented from time to time by the Golfing Union of Ireland.

(iii) Accept and recognise the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews as the sole authority for prescribing and implementing the Rules of Golf and the Rules of Amateur Status.

(iv) Keep handicap records (including three previous years) which must be made available for the inspection of the Provincial Branch Officials of the SSS and handicapping scheme at reasonable notice.

(v) The Chairman of either of these committees shall have the power to call meetings of the Male Category A and C playing members for the purpose of dealing with matters relating to The Golfing Union of Ireland or its Leinster Branch.


10.1 Elections of Officers and Committee of the Ladies Club

Ordinary (Category A) Lady Members and Lady Associate (Category B) members shall have equal status in the management of the Ladies Club.  Five Day (Category C) Lady members may attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting or EGMs of the Ladies Club.  However, they may not stand or vote in the election of Officers of the Ladies Club (i.e. Lady Captain, Lady Vice-Captain, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Handicap Secretary and Honorary Competitions Secretary) but may vote and be elected as other Committee Members.

10.2 With a view to giving the Lady Members the fullest possible information the names of the Officers and Committee, out-going Members and those eligible for re-election shall be posted on the Notice Board fourteen days prior to the General Meeting.

10.3 The Officers, other than the Captain and Vice-Captain, shall be elected for a period of three years and shall not be eligible for re-election for one year.

(i) The Captain shall retire from Committee on completion of her year of Office and shall not be eligible for re-election for one year.

  1. Each new Committee Member shall be elected for a period of two years and shall not be eligible for re-election for one year.

10.4 In the event of an Officer of Committee resigning before her term of Office is complete, the Committee shall have power to co-opt a Category A or B Lady Member to serve until the next Annual General Meeting at which time such Lady Member shall have the right to go forward for election. If elected, her term on Committee shall be effective from the time of her election.

10.5 Ordinary Lady (Category A) Members, and Lady Associate Members (Category B) shall have equal status within the Ladies Club.  In the event of a Category B Member being elected President of the Joint Club, Captain or Vice-Captain, such Member(s) will be offered Honorary Category A Membership for their year of office, entitling them to attend as Committee members at, and vote at meetings, of the Joint Club.

10.6 The golf related business and affairs of the Ladies Club shall be managed by a Committee consisting of the Officers and five other Members of Committee elected under 10.1.

  1. Committee Meetings shall be called by the Honorary Secretary.  Seven days notice of Committee meetings to be given to each member.
  2. Six Committee members shall form a quorum.
  3. The Chairperson, who shall be the Lady Captain (if present), shall have a casting vote in addition to her ordinary vote.  In the absence of the Lady Captain, the Chairperson shall be the Lady Vice Captain, or in her absence a nominee of the Lady Captain.
  4. The Committee shall have the power to make such general or particular regulations as may be necessary for the conduct of competitions.  Such general or particular regulations are intended to allow the Committee operational freedom in the running of competitions but shall not have the effect of amending any motion passed at AGM or EGM.  Such regulations shall be communicated on the Club notice board to the Lady members.
  5. Communications in connection with golfing matters and any complaints must be addressed in writing to the Honorary Secretary – complaints within 24 hours of occurrence.  Infringements of the Rules of Golf must be reported to any Committee or Competitions Sub-Committee Member immediately on entering the Clubhouse if the Honorary Secretary is not present.
  6. The Committee shall refer any question outside its power to the Management Committee for decision.
  7. The Committee shall have power to form Sub-Committees from its own body or from the general body of the Lady Members.  Sub-Committees shall be responsible to the Committee.

10.7 Management of Ladies Golf

The Management of Ladies Golf shall be by the Officers and Committees Members, who shall consist of female playing members.  They shall:-

  1. Accept and abide by the constitution of the Irish Ladies Golf Union and its Eastern District to which Delgany Golf Club is affiliated.
  2. Accept and apply the Handicapping System as prescribed by the Irish Ladies’ Golf Union.
  3. Accept and recognise the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews as the sole authority for prescribing and implementing the Rules of Golf and the Rules of Amateur Status.

10.8 Any Lady Member elected to the ILGU may be invited to attend Committee Meetings but shall not have voting rights.

  1. Accounts of the Ladies Club
  2. Proper Accounts shall be kept by the Honorary Treasurer showing financial receipts and disbursements of the Club and shall be submitted to the Auditor annually before being presented at the Annual General Meeting.  Accounts shall close on the 30thSeptember in each year.
  3. The bank account shall be kept in the name of the Ladies Club in such bank as the Joint Club Management Committee may determine from time to time.
  4. All cheques require two signatures.  The Lady Captain, the Honorary Treasurer and the Honorary Secretary are authorised to sign cheques.
  5. All details will be made available for scrutiny by the Auditors and by the Honorary Treasurer of the joint Club.
  6. Meetings of the Ladies Club
  7. The Honorary Secretary of the Ladies Club shall record the Minutes of Meetings.
  8. Record books shall be kept for Minutes of Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings and shall be available to members on request.


11.1 The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall, save in exceptional circumstances, be held within three months of the financial year end for receiving the Management Committee’s Annual Report and Financial Statement, the election of the President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Ordinary Members of Committee and Auditors, for the filling of vacancies, if any, in the list of ex-officio Members of the Committee and the transaction of other business of the Club.

11.2 Fourteen days notice of such Annual General Meeting shall be given in writing to the Members of the Club entitled to vote.

11.3 Election of Officers and Committee of the Joint Club 

Notices of Motion and nominations of Officers and Members of Committee must be made in writing to the Honorary Secretary at least seven days before the date of the Meeting. Such notices and nominations including the names of outgoing members shall be immediately posted on the Club Notice Board.

The President, the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer shall be elected by the general body of members entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Club. The President shall hold office for one year.

The Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer may offer themselves for re-election on an annual basis, subject to holding these offices for a maximum of three consecutive years.   At the request of the Committee, either or both may offer themselves for re-election for an additional period of no more than one year.

The six Ordinary Members of the Committee shall be elected by the general body of members entitled to vote at an Annual General Meeting of the Club and shall hold office for three years. Of the six Ordinary Members two shall vacate office in each year, the members to retire shall be those who have served upon the Management Committee for the longest continuous period and they shall not be eligible for re-election until they have been out of office for one year. In the case of equal seniority, the order of retirement shall be decided by ballot.

11.4 The President shall be Chairperson of the Annual General Meeting. In the absence of the President, the Management Committee shall appoint a Chairman. Only Category A Members shall be entitled to be present and vote at General Meetings. On election, the incoming President will take the Chair.

11.5 An Extraordinary General Meeting may be summoned at any time by the Management Committee or the requisition made in writing to the Honorary Secretary signed by at least 50 Category A Members, stating the nature of the business to be transacted. Notice of such Meeting must be posted on the Club Notice Board and notified to all Category A Members in writing at least fourteen days before the date of the proposed meeting.

  1. No member shall be entitled to move any resolution or to vote at any General Meeting unless their current year’s subscription has been paid
  2. The quorum for a General Meeting shall be 50 Category A Members.
  3. The Captain and Vice-Captain of the Men’s and Ladies Club shall be Officers of the joint Club and Members of its Management Committee.
  4. A non-member may at the discretion of the Management Committee or Chairperson be invited to attend and/or address any General Meeting in order to provide advice or information on matters relevant to such a meeting.
  5. Standing Orders have been adopted and are in place to enable General Meetings to be conducted in an orderly and proper manner

Men’s Club 

  1. The Annual General Meeting of the Men’s Club shall, save in exceptional circumstances, be held prior to the Annual General Meeting of the Joint Club for receiving the Committee’s Annual Report and Financial Statement, the election of Captain, Vice-Captain, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, for the filling of vacancies, if any, and the transaction of other golf related business of the Club.
  2. Fourteen days notice of such Annual General Meeting shall be given in writing to the Members of the Club entitled to vote.
  3. Notices of Motion and nominations of Officers and Members of Committee must be made in writing to the Honorary Secretary at least seven days before the date of the Meeting.  Such notices and nominations shall be immediately posted on the Club Notice Board.
  4. The Captain shall be the Chairman of such Meeting. Category A and 5 Day (Category C) male Members shall be entitled to be present and vote at a General Meeting.  However, 5 Day (Category C) male members may not stand or vote in the election of Officers (i.e. Captain, Vice-Captain, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer).

11.15 Extraordinary Meetings of the Club (Golf Related) 

An Extraordinary General Meeting may be summoned at any time by the Honorary Secretary at the direction of the Committee or on requisition made in writing to the Honorary Secretary signed by at least 40 Category A and 5 Day (Category C) male Members, stating the nature of the business to be transacted. Notice of such meeting must be posted on the Club Notice Board for at least fourteen days before the date of the proposed meeting.

  1. No member shall be entitled to move any resolution or to vote at any General Meeting unless their current year’s subscription has been paid.
  2. If the majority of Male Members present at an Ordinary or Extraordinary General Meeting wish any motion under discussion to be put to vote by ballot that mode of voting shall be adopted.
  3. The quorum for a General Meeting shall be 40 Category A and 5 Day (Category C) male member.
  4. Proposals passed at Annual or Extraordinary General Meetings shall be subject to final ratification by the Management Committee of the Joint Club.

Ladies Club 

  1. The Annual General Meeting of the Ladies Club shall, save in exceptional circumstances, be held in the month of November prior to the Annual General Meeting of the Joint Club for receiving the Committee’s Annual Report and Financial Statement, the election of Lady Captain, Lady Vice-Captain, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Handicap Secretary and Honorary Competition Secretary for the filling of vacancies, if any, and the transaction of other golf related business of the Club.
  2. Fourteen days notice of such Annual General Meeting shall be given to the Members of the Club entitled to vote.
  3. Notices of Motion and nominations of Officers and Members of Committee must be made at least seven days before the date of the Meeting.  Such notices and nominations shall be immediately posted on the Ladies Notice Board.

11.23 The Lady Captain shall be the Chairperson of such Meeting.  Category A, B and 5 Day (Category C) Lady Members shall be entitled to be present and vote at a General Meeting.  However, 5 Day (Category C) Lady Members may not stand or vote in the election of Officers (i.e. Lady Captain, Lady Vice-Captain, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Handicap Secretary and Honorary Competition Secretary).

11.24 An Extraordinary Meeting may be summoned at any time by the Honorary Secretary at the direction of the Committee or the requisition made in writing to the Honorary Secretary signed by at least 20 Category A, B and 5 Day (Category C) Lady Members, stating the nature of the business to be transacted. Notice of such meeting must be posted on the Ladies Notice Board for at least fourteen days before the date of the proposed meeting. No alteration shall be made in the Rules and Regulations of the Ladies Club unless passed by two-thirds majority of those present at an Extraordinary General Meeting.

11.25 No member shall be entitled to move any resolution or to vote at any General Meeting unless their current year’s subscription has been paid.

11.26 If the majority of Lady Members present at an Ordinary or Extraordinary General Meeting wish any motion under discussion to be put to vote by ballot that mode of voting shall be adopted.

11.27 The quorum for a General Meeting shall be 40 Category A, B and 5 Day (Category C) Lady members.

  1. Proposals passed at Annual or Extraordinary General Meetings shall be subject to final ratification by the Management Committee of the Joint Club.


12.1 The Management Committee, in consultation with the Men’s and Ladies’ Competitions Committees shall prescribe the days and times when members shall have use of the course for competitions or when the course is reserved for team matches, Union, Branch or District events.  The Committee undertakes that the facilities of the Course and part of the Clubhouse shall be made available to the GUI, the ILGU, and their principal branches upon reasonable request as may be agreed between the parties.

12.2 The Management Committee shall also decide on the facilities to be afforded to Societies or Outings subject to the rules in force from time to time.


13.1 If at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club a resolution for the dissolution of the Club is passed by a majority of Category A Members present, who must number at least 50% of the Category A Members of the Club, a second Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held not less than six weeks thereafter. Notice of 14 days for this meeting shall be given to each Member in writing and not less than half the Category A Members shall be present. The aforesaid resolution shall be confirmed if passed by a majority of two-thirds of the Category A Members voting thereon. The Trustees shall thereupon, or at such future date as shall be specified in such resolution proceed to realise the property of the Club.

13 .2 If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Club there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the Members of the Club.  Instead, such property shall be given or transferred to some other institution or institutions having main objects similar to the main objects of the Club.  The institution or institutions to which the property is to be given shall prohibit the distribution of its or their income and property among its or their members to an extent at least as great as imposed on the Club under or by virtue of Clause 8.8 hereof.  Members of the Club shall select the relevant institution or institutions at or before the time of dissolution, and if and so far as effect cannot be given to such provisions, then the property shall be given or transferred to some charitable object.  No amendments shall be made to this Article unless the same shall have been previously approved by the Revenue Commissioners. This rule may not be changed or altered in any respect except through an Extraordinary General Meeting that is held in accordance with the current provisions of Rule 11.5


Intoxicating Liquor Acts 1998-2000

14.1 The Management Committee are responsible for ensuring that the Club fully complies with

the above legislation. The relevant clauses for the time being are shown in Appendix 1.


Delgany Golf Club is fully committed to safeguard the well being of its members. Each member of the club should at all times show respect and understanding for the rights, safety and welfare of all. They should conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the club and the guidelines contained in the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport in Ireland.


The Management Committee shall ensure that the Club fully complies with all Health and

Safety Legislation.


The Management Committee may alter or add to the Rules for the purpose of complying with the provisions of the Registration of Clubs (Ireland) Act 1904-1988 and the Intoxicating Liquor Acts 1998-2000, or of any Act which may be passed amending same, but (except for the purpose aforesaid), no rule of the Club shall be repealed or altered or new rules made, except at General Meeting of the joint club and by a vote of a majority of those present and voting at such Meeting, save where the Rules otherwise provide, and written notice of the proposed change must be sent to the Honorary Secretary with the names of the proposer and seconder attached, at least seven days prior to the Meeting at which same is to be considered.





1.1 Members only Entitled to pay for Refreshments

No person other than a ‘member’ shall order or pay for refreshments in the Clubhouse. Cash must be paid for every expense incurred in the Clubhouse before the person ordering leaves the premises.

1.2 Visitors Not Entitled to Liquor Unless Accompanied By Member

No visitor shall be supplied with excisable liquor on the Club premises unless on the invitation and in the company of a member and that member shall, upon the admission of such visitor to the Club premises or immediately upon his being supplied with the liquor enter his or her own name and address of the visitor in a book which shall be kept for the purpose and which shall show the date of such visit.

(i) Entitlements of Groups of Visitors

Where members of a group visit the club for the purpose of:-

  1. taking part in any pastime, sport, game or recreation there, or
  2. organising or taking part in the organisation of, or arrangement for, any such activity,

intoxicating liquor may be supplied to them at the request and in the presence of an official of the Club on the occasion of the visit.

(ii) An official of the Club shall enter the name of the group concerned, and the number of persons in it, in the above mentioned book. For the purpose of this clause only ‘official’ shall include any member of the Committee, the Men’s/Ladies Committee’ ‘Group’ has the meaning assigned to it in Section 30 of the Intoxicating Liquor Act, 2000.

1.3 Right of Committee to prohibit Admission of Visitor

The Committee may prohibit the admission of any visitor to the Club premises and no member shall bring any person whose admission is prohibited into the Club premises.

1.4 Liquor to be Sold for Consumption Outside

No excisable liquor may be sold or supplied for consumption outside the premises of the Club except to members of the Club, between the hours of eight o’clock in the morning and ten o’clock at night.

1.5 No Liquor to be Sold to Under Age Persons

No excisable liquor shall be sold or supplied in the Club premises to any persons under the age of eighteen years.

1.6 Dates on when liquor cannot be sold

Subject to the exceptions contained in Clause 12.8 no excisable liquor shall be supplied for consumption on the club premises to any person (other than a ‘member’ of the Club lodging in the Club premises) or be consumed on the Club premises by any person (other than such a member):-

  1. at any time on Christmas Day or Good Friday, or
  2. On any day, as specified hereunder, outside the times so specified in respect of it-
  3. Saint Patrick’s Day between 12.30pm and 12.30am on the following day;
  4. The 23rdDecember, if it falls on a Sunday between 10.30am and 11.30pm;
  5. Christmas Eve and the eve of Good Friday between 10.30am and 11.30pm
  6. The Eve of any public holiday (other than Christmas Eve):
  7. if the eve falls on a weekday, between 10.30 am and 12.30 am on the following day, or
  8. if it falls on a Sunday, between 12.30 pm and 12.30 am on the following day.
  9. Any other Sunday (except Saint Patrick’s day which falls on a Sunday); between 12.30 p.m. and 11.00 p.m.;
  10. Any other  Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday between 10.30 am and 11.00 p.m.; and
  11. Any other Thursday, Friday or Saturday between 10.30 am and 12.30 am on the following day.
  12. Eligible Hours

The hours specified in paragraph (ii) of subsection 7 in respect of any day specified in that paragraph are in addition to the period between midnight and 12.30 am on that day where that period is included in the hours so specified in respect of the eve of that day.

(iv) Definition of Public Holiday

For the purpose of this rule ‘public holiday’ has the meaning given to it by the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997.

1.7 Nothing contained in the Registration of Clubs Act, 1904-1999, or contained by virtue of Clause 1.8 hereof, shall operate to prohibit the supplying for consumption on the Club premises of excisable liquor to any person or the consumption of excisable liquor on those premises by any person on Christmas Day, between 12.30 midday and 10.00pm, or any other day, for one hour after the expiration of any period in respect of that day during which it is lawful for the Club, by virtue of Clause 12.7 hereof, to supply an excisable liquor for consumption on the Club premises, if in each case the excisable liquor is:-

(i) ordered by or on behalf of that person at the same time as a substantial meal is so ordered, and

  1. consumed by that person during the meal or after the meal has ended.

1.8 Definition of Sunday

In Clause 12.7 and 12.8 hereof ‘Sunday’ has the meaning assigned to it by Section 1 of the Intoxicating Liquor Act, 1927 and ‘Saint Patrick’s Day’ has the meaning assigned to it by Section 2 of the Intoxicating Liquor Act, 2000 and in the event that the laws may be altered at any time which results in a conflict between the same and this Constitution and Rules then the said Laws shall prevail and insofar as it may appear to be necessary or relevant the same shall be deemed to be part of these Rules without the necessity of such amendment or alteration being sanctioned by a General meeting of the Club.


Book a Tee Time

For Visitors For Members