12 Hole Singles S/F and 9 Hole Singles S/F

Competition details

Date: February 27, 2024
CSS: 60 Played in 12 Hole and 17 played in 9 Hole


Place Name Score
Winner 12 Hole Breda Murtagh H/C 9 22 pts C/B
2nd Place Anne Prior H/C 16 22 pts C/B
3rd Place Orla Byrne Kelly H/C 18 22 pts
4th Place Helen Kane H/C 20 21 pts C/B
5th Place Brigid Bergin H/C 18 21 pts C/B
6th Place Catherine Bennett H/C 17 21 pts
Winner 9 Hole Jane Ahern H/C 30 14 pts C/B
2nd Place Irene Goodbody H/C 21 14 pts
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