18 Hole Singles s/f and 9 Hole Singles s/f

Competition details

Date: October 17, 2023
CSS: 64 played in 18 hole and 22 played in 9 hole


Place Name Score
winner Marian Waters h/c 43 37 Points
2nd Place Helen Doolin h/c 18 34 points
3rd place Bernie Jones h/c 17 32 points
4th place Martina Conneely h/c 47 31 points C/B
5th place Mags McDarby h/c 19 31 points
6th Place Eilish Foley h/c 40 30 points C/B
Winner 9 hole Anna Rooney h/c 14 17 points
2nd Place Lucy Mulcahy h/c 29 15 points C/B
3rd Place Pam Wall h/c 20 15 points C/B
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