Ladies 15 Hole Singles and Ladies 9 Hole Singles

Competition details

Date: April 16, 2024
CSS: 50 played in 15 Hole and 28 played in 9 hole


Place Name Score
Winner 15 Hole Singles Carol Brady H/C 19 27 pts
2nd Place Marian Waters H/C 34 26 pts
3rd Place Mary Corcoran H/C 23 24 pts C/B
4th Place Ann Boyle H/C 17 24 pts C/B
5th Place Mags McDarby H/C 17 24 pts C/B
Winner 9 Hole SIngles Isabelle Vallet Dunne H/C 30 14 pts C/B
2nd Place Joan Harding H/C 20 14 pts C/B
3rd Place Kay Smith H/C 18 13 pts
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