Men’s Club AGM

The AGM of the Men’s Club of Delgany Golf Club will take place on Wednesday, 22nd November at 7:30 pm sharp.


  1. Read and approve the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on the 23rd November 2022.
  2. Matters arising.
  3. Honorary Treasurer’s Report.
  4. Motions.
  5. Any other business.
  6. To elect a Captain, Vice-Captain and Committee Members to replace those retiring/resigning.

Nominations for vacant Offices and Notices of Motion must be submitted to the Honorary Secretary not later than 5.00 pm, Wednesday 15th November 2023.

In order that the fullest information may be made available to the Members it is suggested that prior notification of at least 24 hours be given in writing of points to be raised for discussion

Eugene Davy
Hon. Secretary
8th November 2023


Book a Tee Time

For Visitors For Members