Course August


A big THANK YOU to all volunteers this week. Too many to thank individually, but we had over 30 people helping Monday and Thursday. There were representatives from Ladies, Gents and Juniors. The group sanded 7 fairways, all tee boxes, strimmed around avenue trees, and cleared spinney.

Many hands make light work, we will organise another day in August.




Pitch Marks

Lets talk about ‘Pitch Marks’……. Yes, you know the things that you blame when your ball jumps as you miss a putt that looked destined to drop into the hole. We all have been there and yet we still suffer, so we decided to investigate the level of the problem. First thing on the morning of Thursday August 1st, our Greens Committee Chairperson Ian Cuddihy took a look at the 18th green before anyone had played it. In order to show the level of damage done by unrepaired pitch marks, Ian put a golf ball in each mark left on the green. There were 40 golf balls used (not all in photo for those counting!) to identify plug marks poorly repaired (25%) or not repaired at all (75%).

Click here for a short video explaining the best technique to use when repairing a pitch mark



Next up is our bunkers and again using the 18th as an example, you will see the lack of respect being shown to fellow members and our course staff. Dragging a rake across the sand where you played your shot is just not acceptable as you will see by all the footprint’s left in the bunker, players need to rake all the areas that they have disturbed in the bunker and do so in an even manner by raking forwards and backwards …. not just dragging the sand out to the edges.

So next time you play, don’t be part of the problem …..

Book a Tee Time

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